Be Brave!

Be Brave!

I can remember, as if it were yesterday, walking into my very first day of kindergarten. Clasping tightly to my mother’s leg, crying uncontrollably and begging her not to make me go. One of my older, teenage sisters was there too, also begging my mom not to make me go. She was as heartbroken for me as I was. The baby of the family after all, with four older sisters to help protect me from anything that could disrupt my world.

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The Proper Way To EAT A Salad

The Proper Way To EAT A Salad

Not all salads are created equal.

When it comes to EATing healthy, for some reason salads always seem to be the first thing to pop into peoples’ minds. We assume a bowl full of greens and some veggies is always a better choice than a plate full of food. But, that’s not always the case.

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5 Things You Can Do To EAT Healthy When Short On Time

5 Things You Can Do To EAT Healthy When Short On Time

Dedicating a few hours one day per week for food prepping is hands down the optimal way to set yourself up for success in terms of healthy eating. But what happens when you just don’t have time to do that. Maybe you’ve been traveling, have a a particularly heavy load at work, kids’ schedules are hectic or maybe even you just aren’t at a point in your journey where you can make food prepping happen.

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The Healthy Guide to EATing Carbs

The Healthy Guide to EATing Carbs

Unfortunately, in the nutrition world, we have gotten into this terrible habit of vilifying foods. “Eggs will give you high cholesterol and kill you!” “Red meat clogs your arteries!” “Fat will make you fat!” “No, wait! Carbs make you fat!”

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What Does It Really Mean To Be Empowered?

What Does It Really Mean To Be Empowered?

You do not raise yourself up by tearing others down. I don’t care if it comes to race, gender, financial security, professional accomplishment or social status, you can only become empowered from within.

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Who Are You Really?

Who Are You Really?

In preparing to register my daughter for a new school, I had to dig out her original birth certificate. She was born 11 years ago, in Jiangxi, China and we adopted her at age 8 months. This is our “story” and honestly, this many years later, we don’t think much of it.

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 “The more the truth hurts, the more you need to hear it.”