4 Protein Packed Dinners You Can Make in 20 Minutes or Less

4 Protein Packed Dinners You Can Make in 20 Minutes or Less

By now you are probably well aware of my cardinal rule when it comes to nutrition…protein first at every meal! The importance of adequate protein in your diet cannot be overstated. Rarely do I come across people who are consuming enough of it and they do not realize the importance of this muscle building nutrient in terms of improving body composition.

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Why The Most Popular Diets Are Making You Fat

Why The Most Popular Diets Are Making You Fat

When it comes to losing weight or improving health, the vast majority of people seek out some magic “answer”. Approaching the body as if it is some mystery to be solved and one diet is going to cure all their problems. Surely, there has to be some way to fast-track and obtain that ideal body! I’m here to tell you there isn’t one diet that will solve all your problems. In fact, the diets you are trying are actually making you fatter.

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How Much Fat Should I Eat?

How Much Fat Should I Eat?

How much fat should I eat?

The answer is, it depends.

Each of us are individuals and we have different requirements based upon our activity, our goals, our basal metabolic rate, and our fat/skeletal mass ratios.

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Fat Burning Foods

Fat Burning Foods

If you are already eating REAL food (which is food that can be caught, killed or grown), there are certain foods you can incorporate into your diet that will help shed unwanted fat.

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Are You Bringing Kindness Into the World?

Are You Bringing Kindness Into the World?

What I am about to say is going to take some serious self-reflection and is guaranteed to make you squirm. But, in the wake of the school shooting in Florida this past week, I’m just fine with making some people think a little deeper about the role they play within their own families and the welfare of the world at large.

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Coconut Peanut Butter Bombs

Coconut Peanut Butter Bombs

If you have followed me for any length of time, you have surely heard my rant about “treats”. A treat by definition is something you partake in on RARE occasion. The trouble we have gotten ourselves into as a society these days is we don’t know the difference between a splurge and everyday life.

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The Guide to Healthy Fats

The Guide to Healthy Fats

We need adequate fat to support metabolism, signal cells to support hormone production, immunity and nutrient absorption. Having enough fat in your diet will also keep you full between meals and help regulate blood sugar.

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How To Look Good Naked

How To Look Good Naked

What’s your primary motivation for exercising and eating clean? If you say it is because you want to look good, it doesn’t mean you’re vain and if you’re willing to admit it, it probably means you’re fairly honest 😉

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Super Bowl Menu Ideas & Tips

Super Bowl Menu Ideas & Tips

It is simple enough to enjoy the big game without blowing up your gut. Here are few healthy tips and a few of my favorite recipes to help you enjoy the game without feeling like crap!

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 “The more the truth hurts, the more you need to hear it.”