Episode #23 Losing 100lbs. The Right Way with Rachel Grainger
In this episode of EML Radio Evie chats with her friend Rachel Grainger to share her story of how she lost 100 pounds the right way. Rachel explains how she didn’t always struggle with her weight, but after she had 6 kids in 12 years, she became 105 lbs overweight. Her and Evie talk about how something happens inside your mind that is like flipping that switch and until someone flips that switch, all of the other stuff ultimately isn’t going to work in a long termRachel was in denial for a while, and kept saying “tomorrow I’ll start” but one day she hit breaking point- and she never went back! She threw out all of her junk food, replaces it with healthy whole foods, and started working out. The first six months she did not see any improvement but she kept on getting up and doing it.
This episodes reminds us that our body houses our spirit. If our body is not running in an optimal level then our spirit is not soaring. All you need to do is know that you have to do it. You want to do it and make time for it. We create our own busy. Let go of your excuses. To get started is getting started. Don’t wait for motivations. The motivation comes after doing it. If you want to do it you’ll do it.
One of the biggest takeaways is to prepare mentally, prepare your food, have your workouts written out for the week. Prepare or you’ll fail.