Quality Matters Most When It Comes To Meat!
Is Meat Bad for Me?
The answer is…yes and no. I don’t say this to confuse you, but the truth is some meat is indeed bad for you and some is not. It all depends on the quality of the meat. I received a message recently asking my opinion on the Netflix documentary, What the Health. In a nutshell my response was this…the film was created by First Spark Media, a company focused on activist projects. The film has a clear agenda-become vegan. I then directed the individual who contacted me to read the brilliant piece written by Robb Wolfe, as he answered any and all questions regarding the claims in the film. I suggest you read the article as well, as it provides insight into just how misleading information can be nowadays because everyone seems to have an agenda. I would feel disingenuous if I didn’t state my opinion of the film here however, so I’ll tell you my take. It is inflammatory propaganda of which the likes causes more confusion in the world of health; the last of which the world needs right now. (And it was produced by Joaquin Phoenix who can be found videoing himself pretend drowning in order try to convey the pain and suffering of fish, folks! Need I say more regarding the import of being discriminating about where you get your “health” information?) But I digress.So should you eat meat?
The answer is yes, but when it comes to food quality, this is an area you cannot skimp. I have previously written on the importance of eating animal based protein, so I will not repeat those reasons here. Suffice it to say, it is necessary for a plethora of reasons but you have to pay close attention to quality. Here is a simple guide to determining what meats you should or should not eat: 1. Grass-fed vs. factory farm/feedlot. There is a huge difference between consuming meats from a local farmer, who has allowed the animal to free range (and avoided feeding grains) and feedlot meats that are pumped full of hormones, antibiotics and steroids. There are plenty of resources out there explaining the vast differences in these two but I encourage you to keep in simple. By consuming animals, you are ingesting what they have been exposed to. Just this basic understanding is reason enough to avoid feedlot meats. Find a local source and order you meat in bulk. In the long run this is more cost effective than buying supermarket meat and the taste and quality is far superior.

Prioritize your grocery budget
After reading these guidelines, you may be saying to yourself, “yeah, sounds great but that is going to be expensive!” Correct, high quality protein sources are more expensive than their toxic counterparts. However, it is less expensive than treating disease, buying over the counter medications and facing the life altering effects of illness. When planning your food budget, move quality protein to the top of the list and remove unnecessary packaged items. Another way to save money is to buy in bulk. Purchase a 1/4 or 1/2 grass-fed cow 1-2x per year (this will save you hugely over weekly purchases at the grocery store!) Plan your meals first and leave the snack items for what money you have leftover.
As you have probably come to expect, my truth and opinions can be found somewhere in the middle. I am not attached to dogma when it comes to nutrition (or any subject for that matter). I do not support a strict ketogenic, paleo or Atkins style diet. Equally, I question the long term deficiencies and proper implementation of a strict vegan diet.
Instead, my advice is to keep it simple! EAT real foods from excellent and trust worthy sources. Get familiar with the source of your food and you will have to worry a lot less about what you should or should not eat.
Here’s to EATing for life!
~Evie Fatz
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Excellent article Evie!!! So many people spend money on supplements when they could put the money into quality meat products and get so much more for their buck!
Exactly! My suggestion always is to prioritize grocery budget on quality staples and leave snacks and unnecessary items for disposable budget. The money spent on quality meat will be saved on medications;)