If you are someone who feels stuck in their weight-loss or health journey, start with questioning yourself first. Here are my top 5 ways for you to create honesty and accountability with the person who matters most, you.

Mindless snacking while standing up, eating what’s left on your kids’ plate, or grabbing a handful (or two) of nuts while on the go is a sure way to overindulge in high caloric, low nutrient foods. At the end of the day, you feel hungry and can’t figure out why the weight isn’t coming off because you “aren’t eating that much.”
Weight loss happens with mindfulness. When you write down EVERYTHING you eat, you will get a reality check. You may be over-snacking, missing vegetables or under eating and causing excessive stress and hormone disruption.

Get out a notebook and write down everything you do in a day with the exact times you do them. Mark an “S” for sitting, or an “A” for active for each time frame and add it up! You’ll be surprised by just how much time you sit in a 24 hour period.
If you find you’re sitting far too often, get up! Movement doesn’t have to be formalized exercise. Add simple things to your day like going for a brisk walk or getting a stand up desk for work.

The truth is, weight loss simply for the sake of a number on a scale or a size label inside of your jeans isn’t enough to keep you motivated. If it was, 2 out of 3 Americans wouldn’t be overweight or obese. You need to take a deeper look inside and find out what is really holding you back. Life takes its’ toll on all of us. Emotional damage, lack of sleep, overloads of stress and unresolved conflicts can keep us from acknowledging why our health really matters. We then connect to superficial reasons to lose weight and struggle to stay consistent. Search your soul for what matters most in your life and be honest when assessing how your current body allows you to live. You matter. You have a purpose for being alive and when you are living in your most confident, healthful self, your true purpose will shine.
The fact is, we all lie in small ways to help suit our lives. But the little lies we tell ourselves everyday become a distorted reality. A reality that inhibits us from living our most fulfilling life.
The less time we spend with the truth, the harder it is to accept. Start being honest with yourself and the weight will come off.
I promise.

Evie Fatz
Owner, Creator EML