EP #76 Be A Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself

by | Jun 24, 2021

If you have ever wondered if there was more to life than your own, or if you are looking to make an impact but don’t know where to start, then you are already on the right track! Because the first step in doing so is acknowledging that life simply isn’t just about you. 

In this episode, Evie talks about being a part of something bigger than yourself and the fulfillment that it brings. You will also uncover the power of serving something above you and the limitless change you can potentially make in the lives and communities around you. So join Evie in this reflective episode and ask yourself, how can you be a part of something bigger than yourself today? 


  • The “Why” behind Copow. 
  • The fulfillment and impact of doing something bigger than yourself. 
  • Why it’s not all about you. 
  • What impact are you leaving behind? 



“You will never live to your highest potential, and happiness, and true fulfillment, if everything in your life is all about you.”

“The easiest way to kind of combat and solve your own problems is to get out there and help others solve theirs.”



Visit the Copow website at copow.com/

Support Evie by signing up on her new platform: eviefatz.locals.com/

Visit Evie’s website at eviefatz.com/

Access her other resources here: linktr.ee/eviefatz

EML Radio is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com) 




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