by Evie Fatz | May 5, 2020 | Podcast
Episode #20 When Life Changes In An Instant with Dawn Veltri Evie had a great conversation with Dawn Veltri who used to be her marketing expert for her business. Dawn opens up in this episode about her son, Holden. Holden was diagnosed with cancer at the early age of...
by Evie Fatz | Apr 30, 2020 | Podcast
Episode #19 Is Your Fitness Routine Functional? Evie discusses easy to fitness routines that anyone can adapt to and breaks down how simple functional exercise can be. Most people don’t have an idea why they’re doing the exercises or the fitness programs...
by Evie Fatz | Apr 23, 2020 | Podcast
Episode #18 7 Health and Fitness Principles To Get You Started Today Evie touches quickly on seven principles for creating optimal health right now. The most valuable lesson that COVID-19 gave all of us is that our health is really important, and we need to start...
by Evie Fatz | Apr 19, 2020 | Podcast
Episode #17 Give Your Kids The Gift of Health For this week, Evie talks about how and what to feed your kids in order to provide them the gift of health and optimal wellness. The average American kid consumes upwards of 300 grams of sugar a day versus what’s...
by Evie Fatz | Apr 16, 2020 | Podcast
Episode #16 Counting Macros: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Evie touches on counting macros and who should and shouldn’t do it. She breaks down the pros, cons and the messy parts of doing this nutrition craze. Counting macros is about using a certain...
by Evie Fatz | Apr 14, 2020 | Podcast
Episode #15 Keeping Your Problems in Perspective Evie shares a very timely story that became her families eye-opener, an event of their lives that made them bring things back into perspective and realize that our problems are not as big as we think they are. Her...