What Does It Really Mean To Be Empowered?

What Does It Really Mean To Be Empowered?

You do not raise yourself up by tearing others down. I don’t care if it comes to race, gender, financial security, professional accomplishment or social status, you can only become empowered from within. Empowerment can mean different things to different people, but I...
How Much Protein Should I EAT?

How Much Protein Should I EAT?

How much protein do I need? The answer is, it depends but I can almost guarantee you don’t eat enough of it. Each of us are individuals and we have different requirements based upon our activity, our goals, our basal metabolic rate, and our fat/skeletal mass...
Who Are You Really?

Who Are You Really?

In preparing to register my daughter for a new school, I had to dig out her original birth certificate. She was born 11 years ago, in Jiangxi, China and we adopted her at age 8 months. This is our “story” and honestly, this many years later, we don’t...
Quality Matters Most When It Comes To Meat!

Quality Matters Most When It Comes To Meat!

Is Meat Bad for Me? The answer is…yes and no. I don’t say this to confuse you, but the truth is some meat is indeed bad for you and some is not. It all depends on the quality of the meat. I received a message recently asking my opinion on the Netflix...
Why The Most Popular Diets Are Making You Fat

Why The Most Popular Diets Are Making You Fat

Why The Most Popular Diets Are Making You Fat When it comes to losing weight or improving health, the vast majority of people seek out some magic “answer”. Approaching the body as if it is some mystery to be solved and one diet is going to cure all their...